Why do you need English? For your job? For your studies? For travelling and getting to know different cultures? To understand the lyrics of your favourite songs? Or do you simply enjoy English and want to keep your level?

Everybody needs English nowadays – it is the best passport you can ever have and it can represent the key to your success in life.

Whatever your reason for studying English, you have come to the ideal English academy. Debbie’s School chooses its teachers with great care, taking into consideration the needs of all its students. Our teachers are native English teachers, well-qualified and experienced, and we only use English in the classroom.

Our methodology is dynamic, communicative and participative – we help you to be able to use the grammar you learn and also help you to lose your fear or embarrassment of speaking English.

We use a lot of resources to supplement learning including new technologies. Our teachers use Smart Phones, Tablets, Computers and TVs, in the classroom.

We prepare you for the official Cambridge exams being an official Cambridge preparation centre.

We also lend you additional material such as DVDs, books, magazines and so on to help you continue improving your English out of school.
