Send an email to:

or phone:

(+34) 93 851 38 11

or fill the next form:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    In accordance with the GDPR Regulation, we provide you with the basic information on personal data protection:
    - Entity responsible for data processing: Debbie’s school
    - Purpose of the data processing: Gathering data for recruitment process

    - Legitimization: Consent of the interested party

    - Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.

    - Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability

    - Additional information: You can check the additional and detailed information about data protection in our website: Privacy policy

    I ACCEPT the privacy policy of Debbie’s school and I consent to my personal data being treated in accordance with the applicable regulations.